6.2.2 setting of manual zero calibration
When zero calibration is made manually, set either all measurement components should be cali-
brated simultaneously or each component should be calibrated while selecting one by one.
(1) Select < User mode > → < Calibration
parameters > → < Zero calibration >.
“Zero Calibration” screen appears as
shown at right.
(2) Select the Ch you want to change by
pressing the or the key. Press the
key and the setting content is high-
(3) Select “at once” or “each” by pressing the
or key.
• When selecting “at once”, the Ch (com-
ponents) to be set can be zero-calibrated
at the same time.
• When selecting “each”, either of the Ch
(component) as shown at right is selected
and zero-calibrated.
Press the
key after the setting, and
the specified calibration is performed.
Whether “each” or “at once” can be determined for each Ch (component).
•Setting “each”
Select the Ch (component) on the manual zero calibration screen and then perform the
zero calibration.
•Setting “at once”
At a manual zero calibration, Ch (components) for which “at once” was selected can
simultaneously be zero-calibrated.
( )
To close the manual zero calibration setting or to
cancel this mode midway, press the ESC key.
A previous screen will return.
To close the setting
End of
Manual Zero Calibration setting