140.925-IOM (APR 2019)
Page 16
• Inspect the nozzles and heat transfer section as described
in “Water Distribution and Heat Transfer Section” on
page 26.
• For units with the Belt Drive Fan System, verify proper fan
tip clearance. See page 24.
• Open the valve in the unit bleed line, and adjust the bleed
by closing or opening the valve until the desired bleed rate
is reached.
• For initial start-up, briefly energize the fan motor(s) and
note the direction of rotation. The fan should rotate in the
direction indicated by the arrow on the fan cowl.
• Run the fan in manual mode for several minutes to check
for any unusual noise or vibrations.
• For a 2-speed motor, check to ensure the starter includes
a minimum 15 second time delay when switching from high
speed to low speed.
• Check the operation of the optional vibration cutout
• Once the unit is operating, check the current and voltage
of all three phases (legs) of the fan motor with a heat load
on the unit under warm ambient conditions. The current
must not exceed the motor nameplate rating.
Spray system pressure greater than 10.0 psig may cause
damage to the distribution system.
Check to ensure the controls for the fan motor are set to
allow a maximum of six on-off cycles per hour to prevent
motor overload.
After 24 hours of operation under thermal load, perform
the following services:
• Check the unit for any unusual noises or vibrations.
• Check the operating water level in the cold water basins.
• Adjust the make-up valve if necessary.
• Check the belt tension and readjust if necessary.
• Inspect the spray nozzles and heat transfer section.
Rotating equipment will cause severe personal injury or
death to persons who come in contact. Do not perform any
service on or near the fans, motors, and drives, or inside
the unit without first ensuring that the fans and pump
motors are disconnected, locked out, and tagged out.
Perform the following services whenever the evaporative
condenser is shut down in excess of 3 days:
• If the unit is mounted on vibration isolators or isolation
rails (by others), refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines
before loading/unloading weight from the unit.
• Disconnect, lock out, and tag out the fans, pump, and
• Close the shut-off valve in the make-up water line
(supplied by others), and drain the cold water basin and all
exposed water piping. Heat trace and insulate all exposed
• To minimize the risk of biological contamination during
shutdown, it is recommended the entire system be
• Clean all debris, such as leaves and dirt, from the interior
and exterior of the unit, including the combined inlet
• Clean and flush the cold water basin with the basin strainer
in place.
• Leave the cold water basin drain open so rain and melting
snow will drain from the unit.
• Remove the bottom drain plug to the spray pump(s). Put
the plug(s) in a marked plastic bag and attach to the spray
pump(s) for future use.
• Clean the basin strainer and re-install.
• Cover the fan discharge to keep out dirt and debris.
• Lubricate the fan shaft bearings, motor base, and motor
base adjusting screw (if applicable).
• Apply RUST VETO® to steel shafts (for Belt Drive Fan
System units only).
• Inspect the protective finish on the unit. Clean and refinish
as required. Refer to “Corrosion Protection” on page 28 for
more details.
• Lockout the fan motor starting device in the “OFF” position
to ensure personal safety in case of future inspection or
Storage Preparation
• Conduct the “Extended Shutdown” procedure on page 16
if the unit is installed.
• Ensure the cold water basin is fully drained and the drain
is open.
• For storage prior to installation, all components and
accessories, which sometimes ship inside the unit and are
not a permanent fixture in the basin, should be removed
and stored indoors.
• Remove the bottom drain plug to the spray pump(s). Put
the plug(s) in a marked plastic bag and attach to the spray
pump(s) for future use.
Remove and store fan belts (if supplied) at room temperature.
Tag belts appropriately for future identification.
Storage Prior to Installation
– The coils should be
charged with nitrogen at 15 psig at the factory.
Extended Shutdown Periods after Start-Up
– The
coils should be charged with nitrogen at 15 psig in the
field and capped by adding a threaded connection or
a welded cap. Upon start-up, the coil connections will
require cutting and bevelling.