25 Locust St, Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830 • Tel: 800/252-7074, 978/374-0761 • FAX: 978/521-1839
e-mail: [email protected] • Web Address: http://www.freqdev.com
SPPDF-01 Development Suite
User’s Manual
Filter Coefficient Generator
Chapter II
2.2.4 Group D, Message (Items 15 - 16) - contains an indicator that shows system status, and
generation process information at specific instances. This group also presents controls’
(tooltips) about functional characteristics.
15.Message Text Box Window: This window continuously shows messages and process
status conditions. It provides next step usage indications to help user/system interaction.
It serves as a tool to obtain information about the system status and the coefficients gen-
eration process.
16.Tooltip Indicator: Placing the cursor over any message or status line in the window, will
produce a drop down text with an explanation. To obtain next step; process instructions,
controls, indicator purpose, functions, or descriptions, place cursor over any control or
indicator in the FCG panel. This tool is used to learn about a control or indicator function
before its use.
2.2.5 Group E, Command (Items 17 - 20) - allows the user to initiate certain process/system
17. Apply: Using this command button starts the filter generation process using the entered
group of parameters. It also initiates plots of filter amplitude and phase for each set of
coefficients generated. The command enables execution only after appropriate parame-
ters have been entered and validated. After completion, it sends the coefficients to the
location specified in the Coefficients’ Location Group (Group C, Items 12, 13 and 14).
18. "Undo" & 19. "Clear" Command Buttons: These command buttons are "dummy" but-
tons. They are for features yet to be implemented. They are provided as tools for an
experienced programmer who wishes to add commands to start a specific sequence of
instructions. Their default function is to present a message to the user.
20. Exit: Use this command button to exit the software. It closes any open windows and
quits the FCG system. The MatLab
environment may continue to be used after exiting
the FCG software.