25 Locust St, Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830 • Tel: 800/252-7074, 978/374-0761 • FAX: 978/521-1839
e-mail: [email protected] • Web Address: http://www.freqdev.com
SPPDF-01 Development Suite
User’s Manual
Filter Coefficient Loader
Chapter III
The Filter Coefficients Loader (FCL) Software is a tool that performs the interface, com-
munication, translation, and formatting functions for single or multiple sets of coefficients and dif-
ferent filter types for loading into an SPPDM-01 platform using the SPPDB-01 development
board. The FCL also reformats and initiates the translation of FIR filter coefficient data into a for-
mat that is recognized by the SPPDM-01 hardware as coefficients that influence the imbedded
FIR filter algorithm.
FCL allows the user to issue a single command to select and load mode of operation, seri-
al communication parameters, and filter addresses in memory space. The user starts the
process that implements the SPPDB-01, RS232 serial communication port, using a translation-
formatter to transform the "raw" coefficient data into FIR specifications recognized by the
SPPDM-01 FIR filter algorithm. For this to occur, the FCL uses a "software plug" (see Appendix
B) that groups a set of dynamically linked subroutines for translation formatting of coefficient data
into a recognizable pattern of information. It also uses a graphical user interface that implements
a serial communication protocol for the loading of coefficients into the SPPDM-01.
The FCL’s role in FIR design and application is to provide the means for the filter coeffi-
cients generated, from relative specifications, to be interpreted as valid frequency-magnitude/fre-
quency-phase characteristics by the SPPDM-01. This allows performance of real time analysis,
experiments, decision-making, etc. in an easy, fast, reliable and repeatable way.
3.1 Equipment Required:
Provided by Frequency Devices
3.1.1 SPPDF-01 FIR Filter Development Suite
SPPDM-01 FIR filter platform
SPPDB-01 Design/Development Board
3.1.2 Filter Coefficients Generator and Loader Software Installation Disk, CDDF-01
3.1.3 RS232 cable and connectors, provided with SPPDF-01
Provided by Customer
3.1.4 PC Test Station (Windows 9x or more) MatLab
V5.3 or higher
3.1.5 ±15Vdc, +5Vdc Power Supply
3.2 Installation and Startup:
To install the FCL software, insert the CDDF-01 disk provided with the Development Suite
in the appropriate CDRom drive.
Select the Filter Coefficient Loader folder
RUN setup and follow instructions on the installation window.