25 Locust St, Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830 • Tel: 800/252-7074, 978/374-0761 • FAX: 978/521-1839
e-mail: [email protected] • Web Address: http://www.freqdev.com
SPPDF-01 Development Suite
User’s Manual
FCG Immediate Mode Operation
Single Set Coefficient
Appendix A - Example 2
1. Open MatLab
and initialize a global variable in the MatLab
workspace called coeffi-
cients. Set the format to long for better representation of the results.
Figure 4 – Filter Coefficient Generator Display,
Immediate Mode Operation - Single Coefficient Set
2. Initiate the FCG by clicking on the desktop icon. On the GUI, under "Filter Type"
select Low Pass as the filter. Notice that the Second Pass-band Cutoff Input Control and
the Second Stop-band Cutoff Input Control are disabled and no longer visible.
3. Sampling Frequency: Enter 48000 (Hertz) as the sampling frequency. This value is con-
stant for the SPPDM-01 family of products. Remember to drop units (Hertz) when enter-
ing this and the following parameters
4. Frequency Step: Enter 100 as the frequency increment between sets of coefficients.
5. From: - Enter the (Range) From Value: Enter 1 as the lowest filter number.
6. To: - Enter the (Range) To Value: Enter 1 as the highest filter number. This will generate
only one set of filter coefficients for the type selected. This also makes the Frequency
Step value meaningless.
7. Fp/Fp1 - Enter the Pass-band Cutoff Frequency: Enter 10300 (Hertz) as the pass-band
cutoff frequency.
8. Rp - Enter the Pass-band Ripple: Enter 0.01 (dB) as the pass-band ripple.