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SPPDF-01 Development Suite
User’s Manual
FCL Batch Mode Operation
Mutiple Coefficient Sets
Appendix A - Example 5
8. Select the Stop (Bits) Number: Select 1 as the number of stop bits for the selected com-
munication port. This value is constant for the SPPDM-01 family of products.
9. Select the Baud Rate: Select 9600 as the baud rate for the selected communication port.
This value is constant for the SPPDM-01 family of products.
10. Enter the Out(put) Buffer Size: Enter 512 (bytes) as the size of the output buffer for the
selected communication port. Remember to drop the units when entering this parameter.
11. Enter the In(put) Buffer Size: Enter 512 (bytes) as the size of the input buffer for the
selected communication port. Remember to drop the units when entering this parameter.
12. Load the multiple set of Coefficients: CLICK on Program to start the loading process
of the multiple sets of coefficients from the workspace into the SPPDM-01’s external mem-
ory locations. The popup window with a bar will indicate an active system condition. After
a few seconds of data translating and formatting, the software plug (Appendix B) takes
over and starts the communication protocol. This process is repeated, as many times
as there are sets to be loaded. Wait for the communication protocol process to finish.
After successful completion of the loading process, the workspace will show successful
memory verification. The Message indicator will show the number of filters loaded. For
this example it is five (5). Based on the Filter Range (From) Control value, the Filter
Range To Indicator shows the upper limit number for the filter sets just loaded. Use this
number so that future loadings into the SPPDM-01 do not overlap.
13. Reboot the SPPDM-01: Turn the power to the SPPDB-01 evaluation board OFF. When
power is reapplied, the last entered set of coefficients is loaded from the SPPDM-01 exter-
nal memory into the DSP internal memory where it is interpreted as a valid FIR filter char-
acteristics in the frequency domain.
14. Inspect or work with the SPPDM-01’s FIR filter: The filter may now be selected in
Manual Mode Operation, Appendix A - Example 1 (with DIP switches), or automatically
(with a computer program) by setting the selection code to the desired filter location (num-
ber). This will set the SPPDM-01 to work as a FIR filter possessing the frequency domain
characteristics derived from the initial relative specifications.
15. Exit: CLICK the Exit command to stop execution and close the program. It will close any
opened panels and quit the FCL system. The MatLab
environment may continue to be
used after exiting.