25 Locust St, Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830 • Tel: 800/252-7074, 978/374-0761 • FAX: 978/521-1839
e-mail: [email protected] • Web Address: http://www.freqdev.com
SPPDF-01 Development Suite
User’s Manual
FCL Batch Mode Operation
Single Set Coefficient
Appendix A - Example 4
1. Initialize a global variable in the MatLab
workspace called coefficients. Set the format
to long for better representation of the results.
Figure 8 – FCL Display, Single Set Coefficient, Batch Mode Operation
2. Select Filter Number: CLICK on the Filter Number control for loading of a single set of
3. Enter the Filter Number: Enter 10 to identify the filter and specify its location in memory
as the tenth one.
4. Select MatLab
Workspace: CLICK on the workspace location control to load the coeffi-
cients directly from the workspace.
5. Select the communication port: Select 2 as the communication port.
6. Select the Parity: Select None as the parity for the selected communication port. This
value is constant for the SPPDM-01 family of products.
7. Select the Data (Bits) Number: Select 8 as the number of data bits for the selected com-
munication port. This value is constant for the SPPDM-01 family of products.
8. Select the Stop (Bits) Number: Select 1 as the number of stop bits for the selected com-
munication port. This value is constant for the SPPDM-01 family of products.
9. Select the Baud Rate: Select 9600 as the baud rate for the selected communication port.
This value is constant for the SPPDM-01 family of products.
10. Enter the Out(put) Buffer Size: Enter 512 (bytes) as the size of the output buffer for the
selected communication port. Remember to drop the units when entering this parameter.