P6F104 User’s Manual
CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking:
The default setting is “Disabled”.
This setting enables the ECC (Error check and correction) function
for CPU Level 2 cache. However, the ECC function for Intel Celeron
CPU is not available, so you should leave this function “Disabled” all
the time. The ECC function will check and correct signal bit error and
report multi-bit errors
Quick Power On Self Test:
The default setting is “Enabled”. This
will skip some diagnostic checks during the Power On Self Test
(POST) to speed up the booting process.
First/Second/Third Boot Device:
The default setting is “Floppy,
HDD-0, LS/ZIP”; the other options are “CDROM, HDD-0, Floppy”,
“HDD-0, CDROM, Floppy”, “HDD-0, Floppy, SCSI”, “HDD-1,
Floppy, SCSI”, “HDD-2, Floppy, SCSI”, “HDD-4, Floppy, SCSI”,
“SCSI, Floppy, HDD-0”, “SCSI, HDD-0, Floppy”, “LS/ZIP, HDD-0”
etc. The BIOS will load the operating system from the disk drives in
the sequence selected here.
Swap Floppy Drive:
The default setting is “Disabled”. This setting
gives you an option to swap A and B floppy disks. Normally the
floppy drive A is the one at the end of the cable, if you set this option
to “Enabled”, the drive at the end of the cable will be swapped to B.
Boot Up Floppy Seek:
The default setting is “Disabled”. If set to
“Enabled”, during bootup the BIOS will check for installed floppy
disk drives.
Boot Up Numlock Status:
The default setting is “Off”. If set to
“Off”, the cursor controls will function on the numeric keypad.
Gate A20 Option:
the defaults setting is “Fast”. This is the optimal
setting for the Mainboard. The other option is “Normal”.
Typematic Rate Setting:
The default setting is “Disabled”. If set to
“Enabled”, you can set the typematic Rate and typematic Delay.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec):
This setting controls the speed at
which the system registers repeated keystrokes. The choices range
from 6 to 30 Chars/Sec. The default setting is “6” Chars/Sec.
Chapter 3: BIOS Configuration