P6F104 User’s Manual
There are six categories of information you must enter for a HDD:
“CYLS” (number of cylinders), “HEAD” (number of heads),
“PRECOMP” (write pre-compensation), “LANDZ” (landing zone),
“SECTOR” (number of sectors) and “MODE” (Normal, LBA,
LARGE and AUTO). The hard disk vendor’s or system
manufacturer’s documentation should provide you with the
information needed. The “MODE” option is for IDE hard disk
drives only. The “MODE” has four options: NORMAL, LBA,
LARGE and AUTO. Set MODE to NORMAL for IDE hard disk
drives smaller than 528MB. Set MODE to LBA for IDE hard disk
drives over 528MB which support Logical Block Addressing mode.
Set MODE to LARGE for IDE hard disk drives over 528MB which
do not support LBA mode. The LARGE type of drive is very
uncommon and can only be used under MS-DOS. Currently most
IDE hard disk drives over 528MB support LBA mode. Set MODE
to AUTO to enable auto detection of your IDE hard disk drive
during bootup.
Drive A and Floppy Drive B:
The options are: “360K, 5.25 in.”,
“1.2M, 5.25in.”, “720K, 3.5in.”, “1.44M, 3.5in.”, “2.88M, 3.5in.”
and “None (Not Installed)”. Not Installed could be used as an
option for diskless workstations.
Set it to the type of graphics card installed in your system. If
you are using a VGA or higher resolution card, choose the “EGA/
VGA” option. The options are “EGA/VGA” (default), “MONO”,
“CGA 40" and “CGA 80".
Halt On:
The options are “All, But Keyboard” (default), “No
Errors”, “All, But Keyboard”, “All, But Diskette” and “All, But
Disk/Key”. This setting determines which type of errors will cause
the system to halt during bootup.
Base Memory/Extended Memory/Total Memory
Those informations are the system memory information. For MS-
DOS format from 0~640K will assign to Base memory, the rest of
memory will assign to Extended memory.
Chapter 3: BIOS Configuration