When satisfied with the stab throws, remove the
yoke and drill the hole in the top of it for the pin of
your chosen clevise, keeping the hole at least 4mm
from the edge of the fibreglass horn. We suggest
that you use M3 or 4 x 40 UNC hardware for this im-
portant control.
Apply clear car wax to the outsides of the fuselage
in the area of the stabs, and the stab roots, in case
you get some glue on there during the next steps.
Lightly sand inside the tubes that are factory-in-
stalled in the stab roots, and clean out any dust. In-
stall the wing onto the fuselage, and set the fuselage
up level on a flat table - with enough space so that
you can step back about 4 or 5 metres from it to ‘eye’
the alignment between the stabs and the wing be-
fore taping and clamping in position while the glue
Now reinstall the yoke and the 2 rods, and lightly
sand and clean the exposed ends that will be glued
into the stabs. You will need 4 thin spacers 1 -
1.5mm (1/16”) thick to tem-
porarily insert between the stab
roots and the fuselage while
you glue them onto the rods - to
maintain a small gap between
them and the fuselage. Be-
cause of the dual pivot rod sys-
tem there is no chance that the
stabs can blow-back at speed,
and therefore this gap can be
kept to a minimum. The spac-
ers shown in the photo here are
made from 1/16” plywood. An
alternative is to permanently in-
stall 4 thin plastic or nylon
washers between the stab
roots and fuselage.
Apply a little
epoxy and micro-balloons mixture into the 4 tubes in the stabs, slide them onto
the rods in the fuselage, and wipe off an excess epoxy that seeps out. Be careful that the 2 rods
stay centred in the yoke when you slide the stabs on - you can even tack them into the yoke tubes
with a small drop of CA if you wish. At least 38mm length of both the Ø 7mm rods should project
out of both sides of the fuselage, and be glued into each stabiliser. Now view carefully from the rear
to check that both stabs have exactly the same incidence, are not twisted, and are equidistant to
the wing trailing edge, and then firmly tape them in position while the glue cures.
When the glue has fully cured turn the fuselage upside down, and add a small drop of 5 or 30
minute epoxy on the joints between the front yoke tube and the front rod, if not done previously -
to prevent any slight side-to-side movement.
Fox Composites Co., Ltd.
(above) A small drop of epoxy here pre-
vents side-to-side movement of stabs.
(below) The servo mount is glued be-
tween the 2 bulkheads, seen here in the
left fuselage half - shown in the mould
before joining for clarity.