shown in the photos in this manual. Therefore, please check our website for any instruction
changes, or important updates, before commencing assembly of your Hawk.
Equipment and Accessories
In addition to the kit contents you will need some accessories, R/C, additional equipment and
hardware items to complete your Hawk. The list below can act as a 'Check-list' to remind you of
the main items that will be needed, and our recommendations - based on our own experience, and
that of several respected customers who have been operating our Hawk successfully.
(4.5 - 7kg thrust) and installation kit with ECU, mounting strap, fuel pump and so-
lenoid valves etc. (eg: Wren MW44, MW54, PST600, Jetcat P60). This model is designed to op-
erate with turbines up to a
of 7kg (16lbs) thrust, and the fitting of a more powerful turbine
could cause excessive speed and structural failure, and consequentially injury or damage to per-
sons or property.
The fitting of Electric Ducted Fan units is not described in these instructions, as
there are so currently many different systems being tried, but there is a good building thread about
both the turbine and electric versions (by Paul Gray) on the internet at RCUniverse at: www.rcu-
niverse.com/forum/m_5453789/mpage_1/key /tm.htm or just search for “Fox Composites”.
Thrust Tube
: You will need to supply a suitable thrust tube for your turbine. A good source of
lightweight, well-designed, thrust tubes is Wren Turbines (www.wren-turbines.com). An alterna-
tive is PST Jets (www.pstjets.com) and their thrust tube is shown in this manual.
The kit was designed around Spring-Air 300 (or 700) series main gears (90 de-
gree) and Spring-Air 100 or 300 series (90 or 100 degree) nose gear but, of course, many other
units of a similar size can be used. Main landing gear units of up to 35mm height can be installed,
with the wire leg and wheel still fitting inside, or flush, with the bottom wing surface. A 100 or 105
degree retracting nosegear (firewall style) also allows you to fit the ‘scale’ forward-retracting nose-
leg, but it is far easier to fit a 90 degree rearward-retracting unit, as described below.
We used a Ø 50mm nosewheel (2"). A soft foam type helps to prevent bouncing
during landing. Main wheels should be Ø 56 - 67mm (2.5 - 2.75"). The Robart type main wheel
shown in the photos is Ø 67mm.
For the ailerons we recommend that you use 'wing-servos’, with integral side-
mounts - such as the (10.5mm thick) JR DS161 or Hitech 5125MG, or the (15mm thick) JR DS-
3301 or Graupner DS-3328, due to the limited space inside the wing. In any case you should use
digital types with a minimum torque of 4kg.
The flaps are large surfaces on the Hawk, and therefore we highly recommend using standard
sized servos, with a minimum of 5kg torque. Many servos will be adequate for these - for exam-
ple the digital JR/Graupner 5391, 8231 or 8311 shown here.
The horizontal stabilisers are controlled by a single servo mounted in the fuselage, and this should
be a standard sized digital servo with at least 8kg torque. (eg: JR DS8311, DS8411). Fitting the
highest quality unit possible here will reward you with a responsive plane with good centering.
Any mini-servo of minimum 3kg and 15mm thickness (eg: JR 3301, 3401 or Graupner 3328) will
fit easily inside the vertical Fin for rudder control. We recommend a standard sized servo for
Fox Composites Co., Ltd.