have an air leak in the fuel system that needs to be resolved. Remember that it should always be
full of fuel during flight, and so will have an affect on the CG position. Therefore make sure that it
is at least 90% full of fuel when you make your final Centre of Gravity checks.
The Hawk kit is supplied painted in the molds, in a single colour. The paint used is a 2-pack
polyurethane, which will accept most other types of paint on top of it without any problems.
IMPORTANT: If you plan to add paint trim please test your chosen paint on a small 'hidden' area
that will not be seen to check compatibility! If you want to paint some parts, or add markings/de-
cals, please make sure that you have cleaned the paint surface very well to remove all traces of
wax or mold release agent first. You can use de-natured alcohol or cigarette lighter fuel for this with-
out any risk of damaging the existing painted surface. We also suggest that you lightly sand any
surfaces to be painted with 800 grit wet-and-dry (used wet) to prepare the surface.
We understand that Tailor-made decals (Germany) can supply several sets of scale markings,
sized to suit our Hawk. Please see www.tailormadedecals.com for current availability.
R/C set-up and Flying:
Centre of Gravity:
Set the Centre of Gravity at 140mm (5
from the central leading edge of the wing,
with a full Hopper tank and main tanks 50%
full. The main wing tanks are located almost
exactly over the CG and don’t affect the flying
much at all when they are almost empty for
Don’t forget to check the lateral CG and, if
necessary, add a small weight in the lightest
wing tip.
Control Surface Throws:
All control surfaces are quite powerful on the Hawk, and we strongly recommend that you do not
exceed the throws mentioned here for the 1st flight. All throws are measured at the widest (root)
end of each control surface. We recommend that you set some exponential into the aileron and
elevator throws, and it is also wise to give yourself a choice of travels by using dual-rates, at least
for the first couple of flights, but do not exceed the throws listed below.
9mm ‘up’ and 9mm ‘down’. Set about 30 - 40% exponential in the ailerons.
8mm ‘up’ and 9mm ‘down’. Do
exceed these throws for the first flight, as the
stabs are powerful. We also recommend about 30 - 40% expo on the elevators.
10mm ‘left’ and ‘right’. The rudder is very powerful.
About 15 degrees flap for take-off, but not needed if there is a little wind.
Maximum 45 degrees is enough for landing and it slows down very quickly
indeed, so keep some power on during finals all the way to touch-down.
Fox Composites Co., Ltd.