Creating a Custom Hardware Profile
Setup and Configuration Guide 93
Figure 2: Recommended Calibration Images dialog.
Text Pattern
The text pattern is usually a page
of white on black text. The font should be small
and narrow to maximize the dark-to-light
transitions. A text pattern is useful for
calibrating the HTotal, Phase Delay, and
Brightness/Contrast. See calibration example in
the above dialog.
Grill Pattern
The grill pattern is a series of
alternating black and white vertical bars (down
to one or two pixels in width) are the most
useful for calibration. The grill pattern provides
a high contrast image with its sharp dark-to-light
transitions and is most useful for adjusting the
Phase Delay.
Linearity Pattern
The linearity pattern is an
image with white vertical and horizontal lines
plus concentric circles against a black
background. The pattern’s c
ircles are ideal for
calibrating the HTotal and setting the Field
Polarity. Its high contrast and range are useful
for setting Phase Delay and Brightness/Contrast.