Manual # 26-0002901-00 / Revision H ScreenPro - High Resolution Seamless Switcher
Terminal Remote Control
This section contains information necessary to emulate the Front Panel via the Remote Control port on the back of
the ScreenPro.
ScreenPro units support two remote control protocols. The first is the Folsom protocol. This protocol is intended to by
used by remote controllers that wish to emulate key presses and knob turns. This is the default protocol and is
compatible with both RS232 and RS485.
Second is the FSR protocol. This protocol is an extension of the Folsom protocol. It allows controllers to receive the
“background” commands that are sent to the Front Panel in order to keep its LED’s and Display updated whenever
switches are pressed or the knob is turned. This protocol is
compatible with RS485.
Remote Control Mode <TCM type>
Issued by the Controller to set the Graphics board control protocol. “Type”
is an integer that defines the protocol where 0 = Folsom (default) and 1 equals the FSR
protocol described herein.
Note: The Graphics board is still capable of receiving and responding to keystrokes on the
front panel regardless of the protocol selected.
TCM 1 – Sets the ScreenPro unit to the FSR protocol.