Manual # 26-0002901-00 / Revision H ScreenPro - High Resolution Seamless Switcher
Video Mixing and Graphics Overlay Effects (Luminance Keying)
Keying Operation
1. The operator will select the source they want as a “key/overlay” and this source will be displayed on the
preview monitor.
2. In the Effects Menu, the operator will set the WIPE TYPE to one of the key/effect types. At this point the
<WIPE> key will blink between Red / Off.
3. The operator will also set the keying threshold from this menu. This can be done before or after step 4. To
transition the “key/overlay” onto the main screen, the operator will press the <WIPE> key.
4. If the operator presses < DSLV > or <CUT> keys, the image will transition onto main without keying.
5. If the operator presses <WIPE>, < DSLV > or <CUT> keys while the keyed image is on the main output, the
key/overlay is transitioned off of main leaving the background image showing.
6. If the operator presses any of the source select keys while the keyed image is on the main output, the
key/overlay is transitioned off immediately using a “Cut”. After the transition, the new source selection is
Note: The <WIPE> key will continue to function as a keying enable/transition key until the operator changes
the “wipe type” to another function.
PIP Operation
1. The operator will select the source they want as a picture-in-picture (PIP) and this source will be displayed
on the preview monitor.
2. In the Effects Menu, the operator will set the WIPE TYPE to PIP MODE. At this point the <WIPE> key will
blink between Red / Green and the image in Preview will automatically be resized to 50% of normal and
reside in the center of the screen.
3. The operator will also set the Size and Position of the PIP from this menu. This can be done before or after
step 4.
4. To transition the PIP onto the main screen, the operator will press the <DSLV> or <CUT> key on the front
5. If the operator presses <DSLV> or <CUT> keys while the PIP image is on the main output, the PIP is
transitioned off of main leaving the background image showing.
6. If the operator presses the <WIPE> key while the PIP image is on the main output, the PIP is transitioned off
immediately using a “Cut” and the image is returned to full size.
7. If the operator presses any of the source select keys while the PIP image is on the main output, the PIP is
transitioned off immediately using a “Cut”. After the transition, the new source selection is made.
Note: The <WIPE> key will continue to function as a PIP enable/disable key until the operator changes the
“wipe type” to another function.