Manual # 26-0002901-00 / Revision H ScreenPro - High Resolution Seamless Switcher
Auto Config
When the Auto Config menu item is activated, the unit examines the incoming video and automatically configures the
system for 1:1 pixel sampling. Parameters in the H TOTAL, PHAS MAIN, PHASE PREVIEW, POSITION (R), and
WIDTH (L) menu fields are calculated and loaded as part of the Auto Config process. To activate Auto Config mode,
scroll to the Auto Config menu and press select.
H Total
This menu field displays the total number of pixel clock periods during a horizontal line. The parameter is
automatically loaded when the Auto Config process is complete. Manual adjustments can be made by scrolling to the
H total menu item, pressing select and making adjustments with the Adjust Control.
Phase Main
This menu field displays a number between –16 and +15 which represents phase adjustment for the sample clock on
the Main output. Phase is adjustable to the nearest 1/32 of a clock period. This parameter is automatically loaded
when the Auto Config process is complete. Manual adjustments can be made by scrolling to the Phase Main menu
item, pressing Select and making adjustments with the Adjust Control.
This menu field displays a number between –16 and +15 which represents phase adjustment for the sample clock on
the Preview output. Phase is adjustable to the nearest 1/32 of a clock period. This parameter is automatically loaded
when the Auto Config process is complete. Manual adjustments can be made by scrolling to the Phase Preview
menu item, pressing Select and making adjustments with the Adjust Control.
Position (R)
This menu field displays the number of clock intervals assigned to the horizontal from porch. The parameter is
automatically loaded when the Auto Config process is complete. Manual adjustments can be made by scrolling to the
Position (R) menu item, pressing Select and making adjustment with Adjust Control. Adjustments should be made to
move the right edge of the image to the desired location.
Width (L)
This menu field displays the number of clock intervals assigned to the horizontal active area. The parameter is
automatically loaded when the Auto Config process is complete. Manual adjustments can be made by scrolling to the
Width (L) menu item, pressing Select and making adjustment with Adjust Control. Adjustments should be made to
move the left edge of the image to the desired location.