Operating Manual EMGZ 321.EIP
Parameter Setting over the Front Panel
Basic Instructions for Parameter Setting
The force amplifier EMGZ321 can be configured via its parameters. Moreover,
several adjustment procedures can be activated to capture or calculate application
relevant values. Parameters and all other settings are stored in the parameter list.
This list is organised in 4 parameter groups. In detail these are:
Amplifier Parameter Group
Outputs Parameter Group
Relay Outputs Parameter Group
System Parameter Group
The workflow in the Parametrisation State has three basic operator modi:
Parameter Group Selection
Parameter Selection within the group
Parameter Change or Setting
Parameter setting can be performed via the front panel or via a web browser.
The Parametrisation State can only be accessed from the “Operation State”. The
EMGZ321 displays only the parameters that are relevant for a used application (see
Fig. 16).