Quick repairs are possible by using self-adhesive spinnaker repair tape. Stick the correct size
piece of self-adhesive tape to the inside of the kite.
This type of quick fix won’t last indefinitely and should in time be replaced with a proper repair.
At least your day out on the water is saved.
1.10. LIttLe CoNNeCtIoN LINes (LCL)
Each connecting point on the kite is attached by the 1 cm long, so-called Little Connection Line
with a knot at the end. These are helpful during repairs, so you can simply open the lines on the
kite. They are very tear proof, white (ca. 45 kg) / black (ca. 30 kg), so they mostly prevent a
destruction of the canopy. Replacements for the Little Connection Lines are enclosed with
every kite.
1.11. KIte pULLs INto oNe dIReCtIoN
The kite pulls into one direction if you pull the bar down. If you let go off the bar it flies straight.
The kite`s behaviour indicates that the back lines don`t have the same length and can happen
particularly, if a trick has often been done on one side only. Consequently the lines were
stretched asymmetrically.
Check first if the leader lines at the bar are symmetrically and correct them by moving the end
knots, provided there are asymmetries.
Compare, if possible with a helper, the length of both 21 m steering flying lines with each other
by stretching them under a load of ca 5 kg.
If there are any differences in length then try to compensate them by stretching the shortened
steering line. For this purpose stress the line with a load of max. 100 kg.
In order to compensate further differences in length you can loop the steering flying lines once
on to the steering leader lines.