While riding particularly consider that the leash is never tangled up. The leash must not be
winded several times around the depower strap or even the bar, as the safety system might
not work anymore or not efficiently. Consequently you should keep an eye on the leash while
riding and arrange it with the hand if necessary.
The remaining pull with the FLS system is low. Though it can not be excluded that when
releasing the FSL the kite doesn`t get tangled in the lines and can`t be relaunched.
As a result of this huge depower range of the SPEED2 the safety function must be activated
only very rarely. In such a case though the FLS provides reliable safety without having to
detach from the kite completely, as it is the case at some other massive depower kites
on the market.
.1... fULL depoWeR sAfetyLINe (fds)
With this method the kite, attached to a 5th line which ends in the middle of the kite, is able to
blow out. The remaining pull is extremely low and it is possible to relaunch the kite.
There’s a partiel breaking point between the FDS-Endline and the ELC-Stopper.
This FDS rupture line tears off at 120 kg and thus facilitates, that the overloaded kiter is able
to detach from the kite after having released the depowerloop. This might happen, if e.g. two
kites get tangled up. The weak point / rupture line can be exchanged within a few seconds.
Despite the FDS, it is extremely im-
portant never to leave the normal
wind area.
The FDS is just an addition to pro-
tect others if the kite should fly away
when it is detached.
Damage of the kite isn’t impossib-
le when outside of the normal wind