.1. LAyING oUt the KIte
Unfold and lay out the kite, trailing edge facing the wind for a launch from the power-zone,
or with the folded in wingtip facing upwind for a launch from the edge of the wind window
(recommended method). Weigh down the kite with sand (if available; if not, any none piercing
or blunt objects). Now unwind the flying-lines from the bar in a 90° angle to the kite.
Finally check all of the kite’s lines, pulleys and Safety-Systems for tangles, knots, sand blocking
or previously sustained damage.
.. pRe-INfLAtIoN
It is not essential to pre-inflate your kite. However a thorough pre-inflation gives you
maximum control over the kite and helps in light wind starts.
There are many ways to pre-inflate a FLYSURFER kite. The kite should remain calm,
so that the pulleys don’t tangle up with the bridle lines.