A Depowerloop-Leash can not guarentee a safety function.
FLYSURFER explicitely warns you from using a Depowerloop-Leash (also known
as SUICIDE-LEASH). Such a Leash only makes sense for professionals who do
handlepasses high in the air and need lots of space downwind.
Attention: the safety leash should not
be attached above the depowerloop.
As a consequense of huge leverage
the shakle might break! This means
you would lose your kite.
.1... CoMBINed depoWeRLoop-LeAsh WIth fLs oR fds
This variant is, as the pure depower-
loop leash, only reasonable for very
experienced riders as well as for un-
hooked riding, eg. handlepass tricks.
For unhooked tricks you are connec-
ted with the depowerloop, likewise at
the depowerloop leash described be-
If you let go off the bar while the depowerloop is unhooked, the kite does
not turn into the safety modus. It will only reduce it`s power
by means of the depower system.