Lay out the kite parallel to the wind, turn down the end of the wing and weigh down the upwind
wingtip, indicated by the symbol of a hand, with an appropriate dull object, for example sand.
Now position yourself about 15-30°
upwind of the kite. Hook into the sand-
free SAFETY-LEASH and the depower-
loop and slowly tension the downwind
flying-line by steering the bar.
Slowly move downwind as the kite
starts to inflate.
At some point the kite will start to
stand upright on its wingtip, now slowly
steer it upwards along the edge of the
window into the zenith.
Don`t panic! If the kite has enough time to preinflate you will be able to control it better.
In order to launch the kite, you only have to give it a strong impulse, thus removing the sand
from the kite, and then slowly steer it up in the air.
A helper might be supportive in terms of safety in particular (e.g. if the lines are not sorted
properly or if you want to land the kite again for another reason).
Though FLYSURFER recommends to launch the kite by weighing it with sand and not with a hel-
per holding the kite.