5. Launch preparations
5.1. Laying out the kite
5.2. Pre-inflation
5.3. Connecting the safety
6. Launching the kite
In light winds (Launching in the power zone)
From the edge of the wind window
6.2.1 Launching from the edge of the wind window with
assistance holding the kite
6.2.2 From the edge of the wind window without
assistance or weighing it down
6.3. First launch in the water
7. Flying of the kite
7.1. Steering
7.2. Powern/Depower
7.3. Trimmer
8. Jumping with current FLYSURFER kites
9. Kite control in extreme situations
9.1. Flying the kite in the zenith
9.2. Being lofted on the beach
9.3. Kite luffing (danger of frontstall)
9.4. Kite collapses
9.5. Kite is about to impact on land or water
10. Relaunching the kite from the water
10.1. From the trailing edge
10.2. From the leading edge
10.3. Relaunch in the powerzone
10.4. Kite doesn’t launch anymore,
you start drifting away
10.5. Being rescued with FLYSURFER kites