It's always a good idea to walk slowly and
overlap your sweeps. But if you're searching a large
expanse of new territory, you may want to walk a
little faster and not overlap your sweeps as much
until you start making a few good finds, Then, slow
down, overlap your sweeps and cover every inch of
In trashy areas, to reduce the "masking" effects of
trash on nearby good targets, use a shorter and
slower sweep pattern. If you're going to be hunting
exclusively in this type of ground, you may be better
off equipping your CZ-70 Pro with the smaller, 5-inch
coil. It will zero in on good targets closer to trash.
Recheck your ground balance occasionally.
Here's a quick and easy way to tell the
difference between a small, shallow piece of foil
and a gold ring (or other possibly good target)
without digging: If you get a good solid FOIL I.D., set
the search coil down close to the target and then
whip it rapidly across the target just once with what
can best be described as a flick of the wrist. If the
target disappears, it's probably a small, shallow
piece of foil. if not, dig it up-it could be that gold
ring you're looking for. Practice this over some foil
until you get the hang of it.
Don't be afraid to turn your sensitivity down. True,
the higher the sensitivity, the deeper your CZ-70 Pro
will go, and the more you'll find. But that's only
under optimum conditions. If you're getting a lot of
false signals caused by electrical interference,
ground mineralization or dense trash, lower your
sensitivity. If you have to back it down to 4, or even
2 to eliminate the false signals, do it. That's what
your SENSITIVITY control is for. You'll be surprised at
how much you might find in an area that would
otherwise be unsearchable at high sensitivity levels.
Set your notch level carefully. Don't notch out
any more than you have to. Remember that many
good targets fail into those so-called "trash"