Metal detectors like the CZ-70 Pro operate by generating an
electromagnetic field from the search coil into the ground.
When this field surrounds a metallic object, it becomes
distorted and the distortion is recognized as a target by the CZ-
70 Pro electronic circuitry.
Ground mineralization can also distort a search coil's
electromagnetic field, and a detector may respond to ground
minerals just as it would to a real target. You can minimize
these "false signals by ground balancing the CZ-70 Pro circuitry
so it will ignore most ground mineralization.
When your CZ-70 Pro Quicksilver is properly "ground
balanced," it will have only a minimal response to ground
mineralization. Precise adjustment of the GROUND BALANCE
control is critical for optimum performance. The higher the
degree of ground mineralization or the higher the sensitivity
setting, the more critical it is to have your machine properly
ground balanced. Once you adjust the ground balance in
either the Autotune mode or Target-ID. mode, you can switch
back and forth between the two modes without resetting,
unless you increase the sensitivity level or go from dry sand to
wet sand or vice versa. You should also recheck your ground
balance setting occasionally as you search because ground
conditions often change within a few feet.
The audio target response of the CZ-70 Pro is loud, sharp and abrupt. Be
sure to set the VOL touch pad to 0 before turning on your CZ-70 Pro while
wearing the headphones.