Now switch the AUTO /ID. control to AUTO.
Note the completely different kind of response.
Your CZ-70 Pro is now in a super-hot, wide scan,
all-metals mode with no tone or meter
iidentification; just a solid, smooth response over
every target.
LCD in NOTCH mode set
up for gold-ring hunting. If
you're in an area that's
loaded with round tabs,
however, you could notch
them out also. You'd lose
rings that fall into that
category, but you'd still get
all the rings falling into the
foil and nickel categories,
which includes 75 percent
of gold-ring I.D.s.
LCD in coins-only
mode, accepting
nickels, copper
pennies and
silver coins, while
rejecting all other
target categories.
Or, in another example, the favorite notch
setting for coin shooters might accept just nickels
and silver coins while rejecting all other target