6. retrofIttInG powerwIzarDs
When replacing a PowerWizard or when fitting a new one, ensure that the correct controller type is selected i.e. PowerWizard 1.1
or PowerWizard 2.1. The differences between these are listed in the PowerWizard Variations section. The Electrical Connection
drawings are shown in the Electrical Connections section.
6.1 eST availability and licensing
The Electronic Service Tool (EST) used with a laptop provides the mechanism for servicing the PowerWizard controller. It allows
the user to display, view or change the current Configuration files (Field Replacement Files) or the base level flash files.
Therefore EST is an essential service tool for carrying out service operations on the PowerWizard.
Instructions on purchasing and licensing EST can be found on the FG Wilson Dealer website PowerUp2 or by contacting the EST
Software License and Support Coordinator.
Tel: +44 (0) 28 2826 5228
email: [email protected]
6.2 flash files and field replacement files
PowerWizard’s have two main types of files associated with them, the flash file (.fls file) that contains the base code and the Field
Replacement File (.xml file) that contains the configuration information.
flash files:
To obtain a replacement flash file or the most recent version of a flash file contact the FG Wilson After Sales Helpdesk
Tel: +44 (0) 28 2826 5001
email [email protected].
When enquiring please supply the generating set Serial Number. The Helpdesk will send you the most recent version of the file
associated with that generating set Serial Number. These files are backward compatible.
If you require the same file but in a different language inform the helpdesk and they will send the equivalent file in the required
Available languages are: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian,
Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, Icelandic, Hungarian, Turkish, Czech, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovak,
If the file is for a new job not associated with a generating set Serial Number, then the following information is required in order
to select the correct flash file for the controller.
Controller type (PowerWizard 1.1, 1.1+ or 2.1)
After Market ID (AMID) FG Wilson or Olympian.
It is intended to have an online web based facility developed that will make these files available on line 24/7.
When a new Flash Files is loaded the configuration file remains unchanged.
field replacement files:
The Field Replacement Files only exist for controllers that have previously been programmed at the factory. FG Wilson cannot
create Field Replacement Files for controllers that are in the field and that have not previously been programmed at the factory.
However Field Replacement Files can be used on more than one controller. So if the configuration you want is the same as a
previous set, the same Field Replacement File can be used.
The same procedure is used again for obtaining this file. Contact the FG Wilson After Sales Helpdesk supplying the Generating set
Serial Number and they will send you the required Field Replacement File.
If a Field Replacement File that was created for a PowerWizard 1.1 is loaded onto a PowerWizard 2.1, some of the items
on the PowerWizard 2.1 will not be configured. To configure these items open EST and select Configuration (SERVICE
Field replacement files from a PW X.0 cannot be used on PW X.1.