Ferro G18 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 7



1.  FERRO S.A. (hereafter the Guarantor) 

hereby issues 5-year warranty for leak-

proof and effective service of type G61 

ball valves for gas systems (however not 

beyond 7 years as of the date of man-

ufacture specified on the valve body), 

and 2-year warranty for leak-proof and 

effective service of type G18 ball valves 

for gas systems (however not beyond 

4 years as of the date of manufacture 

specified on the valve body). The war-

ranty period commences on the date of 

purchase according to the proof of pur-

chase (e.g. invoice, receipt). The war-

ranty is valid for valves purchased and 

operated in the territory of the Republic 

of Poland. Outside the territory of the 

Republic of Poland, warranty shall be 

offered by the dealer.

2.  Fabrication defects or any damage 

caused through the manufacturer’s de-

fault (defects in materials, quality, etc.) 

shall be repaired free of charge with-

in 14 days of shipping the valve to the 

Guarantor. Effective remedial of a defect 

means restoring the full functional val-

ue of the product, or repairing the item, 

or replacing the faulty item with a fault-

free substitute. If a product is replaced 

with a new item, the warranty period 

shall commence as of the date of deliv-

ery of the new product. If a specific valve 

model is not available (e.g. has been 

phased out), the customer can receive 

a similar product from the Guarantor’s 

current product range, equivalent to 

the disputed item in terms of price and 

functional properties. When a product 

cannot be repaired or replaced with 

a new item, FERRO S.A. shall be entitled 

to reimburse the cash value to the cus-

tomer. Such reimbursement can only be 

done through the actual point of sale.

3.  Warranty repairs shall not include any 

maintenance activities, which should be 

carried out by a duly qualified individual 

(with gas fittings operator competenc-


4.  This warranty shall not cover any loss or 

damage caused by: 

a.  inadequate installation, use or main-


b.  use of any other service media than 


c.  pressure and temperature exceeding 

the specified operating range, 

d.  mechanical impurities present in the 

installation, aggressive environment,

e.  unauthorized structural modifica-

tions or mechanical damage,

f.  normal wear of sealing pieces. 

5.  Complaints should be filed at the point 

of sale of the valve, which shall transfer 

the complaint with the returned valve, 

a complaint report and a copy of proof 

of purchase to the Guarantor (at the lat-

ter’s expense) through the agreed ship-

ping contractor. The Guarantor shall not 

be responsible for any damage occur-

ring during transport of the returned 

valves to the Guarantor’s site.

6.  A complaint shall be consider only pro-

vided that a legible copy of the proof of 

purchase (such as an invoice or receipt) 

is attached to the valve.

7.  The warranty period shall be extended 

by the duration of the complaint proce-

dure, starting with the date of the com-

plaint being filed with the Guarantor.

8.  FERRO S.A. shall not be responsible for 

any losses that may occur directly or 

indirectly through negligence, damage, 

faulty installation or misuse of valves 

for gas systems not in accordance with 

the environmental requirements or with 

these “Instructions for installation, as-

sembly and operation of a ball valve for 

gas systems in buildings”.

9.  Any disputes shall be resolved accord-

ing to the law of the Republic of Poland.

10.  This warranty does not exclude, limit 

or suspend the buyer’s rights under 

the laws on liability for defects in items 








The valve is designed for installation in 

gas systems in buildings, with additional 

sealing obtained at connection threads ac-

cording to PN-EN 10226-1:2006. 

1.  A ball valve can only be installed by 

a person or company licensed to work 

on gas systems.

2.  The valve needs to be installed with the 

ball in the open position, the system 

closed, after making sure that the sys-

tem is depressurized.

3.  When attaching the valve to the system, 

pick the octagonal cap of screwed joint 

with a wrench and screw the valve onto 

the system piece. Any other joints than 

screwed joints cannot be picked with 

a wrench (risk of irreparable damage 

to the product). The above instructions 

apply to disassembling the valves from 

the system as well.

4.  Mount the valve to the installation so 

that no stresses from the installation 

affect the valve during or after the as-

sembly procedure. Excessive tightening 

of the valve can cause unacceptable 

stress - make sure that the pipe end is 

not supported against the face of the 

projection at the end of valve thread.

5.  Seal any threaded joints to the system 

using Teflon paste or tape (as per the 

connection techniques recommended 

in the gas industry regulations). 

6.  Leave the valve fully opened or fully clo-

sed only.

7.  The system builder should instruct the 

user about the rules of using the ball 



As cut-off fitting in gas systems in buil-

dings, with additional sealing obtained at 

connection threads according to PN-EN 

10226-1:2006, only capable of operating in 

“open - ON” or “closed - OFF” positions. 

The valve cannot be left in half-open po-


• Operating temperature range: 

-20 ºC ÷ 60 ºC (T2)

• Maximum operating pressure: 

5 bar (MOP 5)

• Service media: Gas ranges I, II, III ac-

cording to EN 437

Other functional characteristics are pre-

sented in the functional properties decla-



To open the valve, turn the straight or 

butterfly lever to the left (counterclockwi-

se) - “ON” indication; to close, turn to the 

opposite direction (to the right) - “OFF” 

indication. Ball position in the valve is de-

termined by the lever position: lengthwise 

with the service line indicates a fully ope-

ned valve, perpendicular to the service line 

indicates a fully closed valve.


Check the ball valve from time to time to 

verify its functional properties. To ensure 

proper functioning of the valve, open and 

close it several times a year.

If any leakage or visible damage is found, 

close the valve and report the failure to 

the building administration and the gas 



Ball valves for gas installations are ma-

nufactured by FERRO S.A., 32-050 Skawi-

na, ul. Przemysłowa 7, www.ferro.pl

Содержание G18

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Страница 12: ...vis cz Distribuitor NOVASERVIS FERRO GROUP SRL Cluj Napoca Piata 1848 nr 2 RO tel 40264522524 www novaservis ro www ferro ro Forgalmazó FERRO HUNGARY KFT 1117 Budapest Budafoki út 209 www ferrohungary hu Дистрибутор НОВАСЕРВИЗ ФЕРРО БЪЛГАРИЯ ЕООД Пловдив 4023 ул Съединение 19 ет 2 офис 40 BG www novaservis bg www ferro pl W1 18 12 2017 ...
