The compression ra o can be adjusted from 2:1 to 32:1
CH-1 RMS Cmp
Knee = 0 %
The so and hard inflec on point can be adjusted among which 0% is the
hard inflec on point and 100% is the so inflec on point.
CH-1 RMS Cmp
Makeup = 0.0 dB
CH-1 RMS Cmp
Makeup = +12.0 dB
Compression compensa on can be set range: 0 ~ 12dB
For example, using the ** model woofer, it is found that the stroke of the
unit reaches the limit of 12mm at 103 Volts. At this me, the amplifier
magnifica on is 38dB, 103/80=1.2875v, 20log (1.2875/0.775)=4.4, that
is, the peak compressor's the startup threshold is 4.4dBu.
It is mainly used to limit the peak signal and protect the woofer from
mechanical damage caused by the voice coil movement exceeding the
linear stroke. If you need to accurately set the stroke/frequency and voltage
curve of the unit, you can consult the manufacturer of the unit or measure
and obtain data by yourself.
CH-1 Peak Lim
Enable = OFF
CH-1 Peak Lim
Enable = ON
Peak limiter switch
CH-1 Peak Lim
Threshold = +20.0 dBu
CH-1 Peak Lim
Threshold = -10.0 dBu
The threshold can be adjusted from -10 dBu to +20 dBu
CH-1 Peak Lim
Rel Time = 1.0s
CH-1 Peak Lim
Rel Time = 100ms
The adjustable range of the release me is 100ms to 15000ms
CH-1 Peak Lim
Atk Time = 1ms
CH-1 Peak Lim
Atk Time = 1sec
The a ack me can be adjusted from 0.1ms to 1000ms
The DLM 260 series has built-in three kinds of crossover filters.
• Linear phase IIR filter, using FBT exclusive algorithm, retains the shape of
the Linkwiz-Raylei/Bessel/Bu erworth filter types without phase
distor on, maintaining the linear phase and controlling the me delay at
the same me in a reasonable range, it can directly replace the tradi onal
IIR filter for speaker frequency division and only need to align the delay.
• FIR finite impulse response filter, allowing users to customize the window
func on in the so ware to generate high-slope, steep filter shapes and also
accept FIR convolu on generated by external third-party so ware based
on measurement , which can realize complex filter shapes and mul ple
sec ons, the parameters are equalized and the phase is corrected at the
same me.
• Tr a d i o n a l I I R fi l t e r, i n c l u d i n g t h r e e t y p e s o f L i n k w i z -
Raylei/Bessel/Bu erworth with a maximum slope of 48dB / oct.
Only three modes are displayed here. The specific parameters are adjusted
in the so ware high and low pass filter op ons, which cannot be adjusted
on the front panel.
CH-1 Out Mode
Mode=Xover - IIR + 8PEQ
CH-1 Out Mode
Mode=Xover - DLM + 8PEQ
CH-1 Out Mode
Mode=Xover - FIR + 8PEQ
CH-1 Out Mode
Mode=Xover - IIR+FIR+4PEQ
IIR mode
Linear phase mode
FIR mode
IIR + FIR mode (only 4 band of PEQ can be used in this mode)