14. With the regulator now preassembled, mount using the supplied mounting bracket and screws.
15. Finally be sure to connect the barbed fitting to the manifold vacuum port on the throttle body
using the supplied 1/8" vacuum hose.
When connecting the fuel return line to the tank (return-style fuel systems only), be sure not to use a
vent fitting that is necessary for proper operation of the fuel tank. If there is no appropriate fitting
available, use a bulkhead fitting included with your kit. The fuel tank must remain appropriately
vented for proper operation.
Manifold Vacuum Port
Labeled “A”
Connect Regulator Here
Содержание 30400-KIT-EZ-EF
Страница 11: ...11 In Tank Fuel Pump System Layout...
Страница 17: ...17 In Line Pump Fuel System Layout...
Страница 56: ...56 Dash 1 Dash 2 Dash 3...
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