Symptom Cause
Add more compartments or modules
High pressure drop (continued)
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
Replace channel baffle
Replace channel baffle with abrasion resistant material
Channel baffle worn or missing
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
Install correct baffle (channel, abrasion resistant plate)
Replace channel baffle with abrasion resistant material
Inlet air not properly baffled
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
Regulate pressure to 90-105 psi of compressed air
Install a pressure gauge on air header to monitor supply
Compressed air too high during pulsing
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
Reduce airflow, damper fan if possible
Confirm appropriate location of pickup points and hoods
Minimize excess air flow, use appropriate ducting
Change media area or media type
Perform off-line cleaning
Change inlet baffle design (solid strike plate, perforated,
Add more compartments or modules
Conveying velocity too great
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
Replace baffle plate with abrasion resistant material
Reduce velocity of inlet air, damper fan
Install filter cartridges of different media type
Increase media area of filter cartridges
Install additional modules to reduce Air-to-Cloth ratio
Confirm appropriate location of pickup points and hoods
Install pre-filter to collect larger particles (Cyclone)
Application too abrasive
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
Measure air temperature in collector and compare to design
Use dilution air to reduce temperature in collector (change
Install alternate media that can tolerate higher temperatures
Temperature too high
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
See sections following
Moisture in Collector
Assure that only dry compressed is used, install air dryer
Insulate collector if it is located outside
Preheat the collector before operation
Purge the collector of all high humidity process air
Inspect and repair any leaks in the collector or ducting
Prevent scalping of material from process by adjusting the
Move collector indoors
Media Failure (continued)
Moisture / water present
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
Replace cartridges (service life determined by application)
End of cartridge service life
Consult Customer Service (1-800-479-6801)
Leaking of cartridges
Check for puncture in media, see sections following Media