Low Alarm Setup
The operation of the Low Alarm Setup is identical to the High and Low Limit Setup. The Low Alarm
default is 1.0” w.c. The upper settable value is the calibration pressure of the pressure module and the
lower limit is zero. Pressing Select will change the system to the Cycle Delay Setup mode.
Cycle Delay Setup
The Cycle Delay inserts a delay time between the end of the last channel and the beginning of the first
channel. This may be set to between zero and 255 minutes. The factory default is zero. Setting the value
to zero will disable the delay. Pressing Select will change the system to the Down Time Cycles Setup
Down Time Cycles Setup
The Down Time Cycles Setup will select a value between zero and 255 minutes. The factory default is
one minute. Selecting zero will disable the operation. When the down time cycles is activated by shorting
the down time cycles input to the common terminal, the system will enter a forced cleaning mode for the
programmed duration. The cycle delay, if one is programmed, will not be inserted in the timing cycle.
Pressing Select will change the system to the Auto Alarm Reset Setup mode, if a pressure module is
installed, or to Process when no pressure module in available.
Auto Alarm Reset Setup
The Auto Alarm Reset Setup, available only when a pressure module is installed, allows the auto alarm
reset time to be selected. This value may be set between zero and 255 seconds. The factory default
value is five seconds. When the auto alarm reset is enabled by shorting the auto alarm reset terminal to a
common terminal, the alarm will be reset after the pressure returns to the normal range and the timeout
has expired. Pressing Select will change the system to Process mode.
Restoring Factory Defaults
The DCT1000 has been programmed with factory default values that meet most industry operating
conditions. In the event that you want to restore all of the parameters to the original factory default values:
(1) Return the master controller to the process mode.
(2) Press and hold both UP and DOWN buttons.
The display will indicate a 10-second countdown, at the end of which all parameters will be restored to
factory defaults. Releasing the switches prior to the end of the count will stop the process and no
modification will be made. Likewise, in each of the parameter setup modes, pressing and holding the UP
and DOWN buttons simultaneously will reset the individual default value, leaving other settings