Revision date: 09.25.18
Quick Start Guide: Additional Drain Manifold Photos
Photos on this page show assembled drain manifold as attached to frame. (Manifold can be assembled on a flat
surface and then attached to frame to allow easier adjustment of manifold height on frame if desired.)
Dry fit all manifold components before you secure the horizontal tubes to the WF1386 tee fittings only. Coat the
outside of one end of a tube and inside of fitting with pvc primer and cement. Slide tube into WF1386 tee fitting.
Verify that your are securing correct end to fitting. Align drain holes with elbows of fodder channels.
Gently lift the open end of the tube to create a slight slope toward the center stack.
Allow cement to set and release tube. Repeat for all remaining horizontal tubes. Install slip caps.
Do not secure
slip caps to ends of horizontal tubes.
These must remain free to remove so horizontal tubes can be cleaned.
Actual fodder system may differ from those shown in these photos. Pictures are presented
to show how different components appear on a working fodder system. Use these as a
reference when assembling your fodder system.