An EyeLink 1000 Plus Tutorial: Running an Experiment
2013-2017 SR Research Ltd.
3.2.6 “Tower Mount Participant Setup, Monocular or Binocular”
Highly Accurate, Wide Field-of-View Recording with Primates
3.2.7 “Primate Mount Participant Setup, Monocular or Binocular”
Highly Accurate, Head Stabilized Recording in the MRI/MEG Environment
3.2.8 “Long Range Mount Participant Setup, Monocular or Binocular”
3.2.1 Desktop Mount Participant Setup, Monocular
The EyeLink Desktop Mount can be configured to track monocular or binocular
eye movements up to 2000 Hz depending on the system model and licensing.
Take the following steps if you plan to set up the EyeLink 1000 Plus Desktop
Mount for monocular tracking.
If you are using the head support supplied by SR Research Ltd., please
install the forehead rest part.
The Display PC monitor should be set such that when the participants are
seated and looking straight ahead, their eyes are level with the top 25% of
the monitor.
Position the monitor so that it subtends no more than 32 degrees of visual
angle horizontally and 25 degrees of visual angle vertically for the
participant. The eye-to-monitor distance should be at least 1.75 times the
display width to ensure that it falls within the trackable range. If you are
using a large/wide-screen monitor, this means that there will be a gap
between the camera and monitor. Please measure the screen dimension and
viewing distance and update screen settings for the tracker (see section 8.4
of the EyeLink 1000 Plus Installation Guide).
The desktop mount should be placed at a distance of 40 to 70 cm from the
observer (measured from the top knob on the front of the Desktop Mount to
the front of the chinrest). The ideal distance is about 50 to 55 cm.
Position the eye tracker so that its top knob is centered horizontally on the
front of the monitor. The Desktop Mount should also be raised so that the
top of the illuminator is as close as possible to the lower edge of the visible
part of the monitor without blocking the participant’s view. The redesigned
desktop mount (see Figure 3-2) comes with a height adjustment post at the
base to make this adjustment easier.
Check whether the 35 mm lens (without a focusing arm) has been installed.
Please remove the lens cap if it is still on.