EyeLink 1000 Plus Host Software
2013-2017 SR Research Ltd. Record Screen Main Functions (Gaze View and Plot View)
Stop the recording of data to the EDF file.
Keyboard Shortcuts: ESC = Stop Recording
Abort the trial recording (requires API applications).
Keyboard Shortcuts: CTRL + ALT + A = Abort Trial
If enabled, plot the x, y eye data being acquired as a
function of time.
Keyboard Shortcuts: G = toggle between Gaze Cursor
and Plot Views Buttons Used in the Plot View
The top of the Plot View shows the data type being plotted. The “Gaze” option
plots the participant's gaze position in pixel (x, y) display coordinates. The
“Angle” option plots the amount of x, y eye angle in degrees relative to the
center of the screen. The “HREF” option plots eye rotation angles relative to the
head in HREF coordinate (see Section “HREF”). The “Raw” option plots
the raw (x, y) coordinate pairs from the camera. The “Analog” option plots the x,
y coordinate in voltages as done with the analog card output. The top-right lists
the speed of plotting (i.e., amount of data being plotted in each screen). Figure
2-13 provides an example recording screen with a plotting speed of 7.9-seconds
per sweep (each horizontal division represents 500-ms worth of data).
The vertical scale used in the plot view is dependent on the data type (Raw,
Angle, HREF, Gaze, or Analog) set in the “Set Options” screen. For example,
when plotting raw eye position, the data are within a range between -30000 and
+30000. The two purple bands at the top and bottom portions of the display
represent data that is out of normal range.
The visibility of the x and y eye traces can be controlled by the “VIS” buttons at
the lower-right corner of the plot view.
For calibrated data types (GAZE, HREF, and Angle), the user can change the
layout of the plot by clicking on the “zoom” and “scroll” buttons. The scale of
the plotting can be changed by clicking on the
buttons in the “Zoom”
section so that fine details or global patterns of the x, y traces can be viewed.
The position where the traces are displayed can be changed by clicking on the
buttons in the “Scroll” section.
For Raw and analog outputs, the user can adjust the “gain” and “offset” to
“calibrate” data during recording. This might be useful for experiments with
primates or patients where the 9 point calibration method is not possible.
Please note that, the additional buttons and gain/offset values are only
available when the recording data type is set to “Raw” or “Analog”. The “ADJ”
button for each of the eye traces can be turned on or off. For the ease of
adjustments, user may select one eye trace at a time. The gain and offset
adjustments can be done by using the
buttons in the “Gain” and