EyeLink 1000 Plus Host Software
2013-2017 SR Research Ltd.
Define the sensitivity of
the EyeLink 1000 Plus
parser for saccade event
generation. Normal is intended for cognitive tasks like reading; while High is
intended for psychophysical tasks where small saccades must be detected. See
Section 4.3.3 Saccadic Thresholds for details of event parsing.
Keyboard Shortcuts: X = alternate between Saccade Sensitivity levels
use a heuristic filtering algorithm for data smoothing. Data filtering can be
applied independently for the data saved in the EDF file and for the data sent to
link/analog output. The current option selects filter level of data recorded to the
EDF file.
Each increase in filter level reduces noise by a factor of 2 to 3.
Keyboard Shortcuts: F2 = alternate between filter levels for the EDF file
Data presented in EyeLink Data Viewer uses the File Sample Filter. SR
Research Ltd recommends leaving this value set to EXTRA.
Select the
filter level for
data available
via the Ethernet link and analog card output.
Each increase in filter level reduces noise by a factor of 2 to 3 but introduces a
1-sample delay to the link sample feed.
Keyboard Shortcuts: F3 = alternate between filter levels for the link
Select the type of
data for analog
output. OFF turns
off analog output;
RAW is uncalibrated pupil x, y in camera coordinates; HREF is head referenced-
calibrated x, y; GAZE is screen gaze x, y.
This setting will only be available if the analog card is installed on the host
computer and enabled in the Configuration tool (via “Configuration -> Devices”).
Keyboard Shortcuts: A = alternate between analog output options