Appendix A: Using the EyeLink 1000 Plus Analog and Digital Output
2013-2017 SR Research Ltd.
7. Appendix A: Using the EyeLink 1000 Plus Analog and Digital
Output Card
The EyeLink 1000 Plus eye tracking system supports analog output and digital
inputs and outputs via a DT334 card. The analog card supplies up to 8
channels of 16-bit resolution analog output, and 16 bits of digital input and 16
bits of digital output. The analog outputs may be used to output up to 6
channels of eye and gaze position data for use by non-link and legacy
applications. Digital inputs may be defined as buttons, used for controlling the
EyeLink tracker, or recorded to the EDF data file. The outputs may be
controlled by
commands via the link, or used by the EyeLink
tracker for data strobes and other functions.
This appendix describes how to configure and use the EyeLink 1000 Plus
analog and digital outputs. While some ideas for input and control of the
tracker will be introduced, applications are not limited to those introduced here.
In addition, other digital input and output ports may be used, including the
parallel port of the EyeLink Host PC.
7.1 Analog Data Types
Position data and pupil size data are available in several types, which are
selectable through the EyeLink 1000 Plus “Set Options” options screen. For
pupil size, either pupil area or pupil diameter may be monitored. These are very
high-resolution measurements, with a typical per-unit resolution of 5
(0.005 mm). Pupil size measurements are affected by eye position, due to the
optics of the eye and camera.
Position data output can be selected from one of three types of measurement:
This measurement is the raw pupil-center position (or pupil
minus corneal if running in pupil-CR mode) as measured by
the image-processing system. This measurement is available
without performing an eye-tracking calibration.
This measurement is related to the tangent of the rotation
angle of the eye relative to the head. In the default EyeLink
1000 Plus setup, and for the -5V to +5V output range, it is
5V*tan(angle), measured separately for vertical and horizontal