Let's Begin:
1. Locate the wing panels/ailerons and horizontal stabilizers/elevators and
associated hardware bags. We will begin by hinging all of these at one time. I
suggest you scuff/rough the surface of the hinges, they are slick from the
manufacturing process and the glue will adhere better to a non-slick surface.
Using 100-150 grit sandpaper works well to do this, be sure you don't sand the
barbs off the hinge, you just want a little scuffing on the hinge, do not sand
at the pivot. I strongly recommend 30 minute (or slower curing) epoxy for
installing hinges. I have found it easier to apply 3-5 drops of glue in the hinge
hole and then using a toothpick, or similar, spread the glue around the sides of
the hinge hole. Do this on just one side, either the wing or aileron it does not
matter which is first. Mix only enough glue to work with one panel at a time.
Before applying any glue to the hinge itself, I highly recommend you protect
the hinge pin (pivot point) from glue. I use Vaseline, but tape will work
however it is harder to remove later, in any case apply either protectant to the
center of the hinge so glue cannot penetrate that pin, it will cause binding.
Once you have the holes lathered with glue, apply a small amount to the hinge
barbs and insert into the hinge hole twirling it as you insert it until the pin is
even with the hinge line. Be sure your hinge pivots freely and is perpendicular
to the hinge line. Allow to dry then mate to the appropriate surface (wing to
aileron/horizontal stabilizer to elevator) and allow that to dry. Refer to figure
1 for the 3 clipped horizontal stabilizer hinges, all other hinges are normal