Front of cowling to the aft most point of the rudder = 98.25”
Top of canopy to ground = 26.5”
Top of rudder to ground = 26”
Wing span w/no SFG’s or tips = 104”
Wing Span w/SFG’s and tips = 110”
Outer portion of wheel pant to other wheel pant = 29.25”
Horizontal stabilizer/elevator span = 41.5”
Other items needed are a receiver capable or higher amp draws. When
running this many servos and flying aggressively you will draw higher than
normal amps thru your receiver, be sure yours is capable of this. Also we use
(2) 2S 2600-3300mah lithium polymer (lipo) batteries for the servos and a
1800-2600mah lipo for the ignition on the chosen gas engine with 20-22AWG
I highly recommend you secure everything within your aircraft. I use Velcro
one wrap to secure all batteries, receivers, fuel tank(s) and wires. I
recommend you even secure loose wiring so it will not be able to move at any
time. All servo leads and extensions that will be plugged and unplugged
regularly should have keepers on them or other device that will reduce the
chance of them becoming unplugged, for example on your aileron extensions.
Any extension(s) that will likely stay plugged in I tie themtogether with dental
floss or use heat shrink to keep them together. In today’s environment high
energy maneuvers are now a normal style of flying and this will increase the
likelihood of faster than normal wear on items. If you fly like this, you must
preflight your aircraft and perform normal inspections and maintenance.
Many of our Team Extreme Flight members fly this style and do this as part
of their normal routine of maintaining a safe and proper flying aircraft.