Items needed for completion:
Masking or painters tape.
Hobby knife with #11 blades.
Fresh 30 minute epoxy. Pacer Z-Poxy has worked very well for us for many
Blue and Red Loctite.
Electric drill with an assortment of small drill bits.
Small flat head and Phillips head screw drivers.
Standard and needle nose pliers.
Side cutters.
Metric ball driver or allen key set. (especially 2.5 and 4mm drivers)
Sanding block and sandpaper.
7 x 500oz (min) torque servos. (8 servos if you use 2 rudder servos)
1 x standard size servo for the throttle.
4 x Extreme Flight 1.5” single aluminum Servo Arms for the ailerons
2 x Extreme Flight 2” single aluminum arms for the elevators (3 if using a tail
mounted rudder servo and 4 for double tail rudders servos)
1 x Extreme Flight 4” double offset aluminum arm for the rudder if using pull
pull rudder setup.
2 x 6” for inboard aileron Extreme Flight 20 AWG Servo Extensions (may not
need any if your servo lead is at least 12”).
3 X 24" Extreme Flight 20 AWG Servo Extensions (2 outboard ailerons 1 for
2 x 48”- 60” Servo Extensions. If you need to remove the stabs for transport
use 54”-60". May need 3 or 4 if using tail mounted rudder servo(s).
5” Extreme Flight carbon fiber Ultimate Spinner, 85cc-120cc gas engine and
recommended prop.
Engine standoffs, 1.125” length if using the recommended DA120
Some type of engine mufflers (stock, canisters or tuned pipes and headers)
Receiver, batteries, switches, EF Flowmaster 34 ounce fuel tank and tubing.