SSE232-LE User’s Manual
Inactivity Timeout: Time of inactivity of the link, after which SSE232-LE will consider the
connection to the server terminated if no flow of information is detected.
To configure these parameters through the SSE232-LE Web Page:
Select the “COM A” link from the menu.
Enter the values as necessary.
Click on the “Send” button, so the SSE232-LE may take the changes.
You may use the configuration command console to change these parameters. In the commands
that allow to change these parameters you must indicate the COM you are referring to.
Table 10 - Client Mode Channel Configuration
Configures the COM x mode. To select Client Mode, select C.
Client Port for the COM x.
Server IP address to which the COM x will connect.
Server Port to which the COM x will connect
Maximum time of inactivity allowed to the connection corresponding to the COM x,
after which the connection is terminated and the devise re-attempts to connect to the
server. It is expressed in minutes.
3.2.7 Multidrop Mode
There exists the possibility to accept up to 8 clients simultaneously. SSE232-1XXX-LE maintains 8
server type connections on the same channel and transmits information to the serial port RS-
232/485/422 (RS-485 and RS-422 available in model
SSE232-1CXX-LE) that has been received by every TCP communication link. The information
received by the serial port is transmitted to all the clients of the Ethernet network.
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