SSE232-LE User’s Manual
You can also configure these parameters through the configuration command console. When
executing the commands that allow you to change these parameters, you must indicate the COM
you are referring to.
Table 7 - Configuration of serial ports
Configures the rate of serial transference of the COM x in bps.
Baud_rate it may be 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800,
33600, 38400 o 115200.
Configures the parity of the COM x
Configures the amount of bits of data of the COM x.
Configures the Type of serial Port for the COM x.
0 = RS-232 without flow control
1 = RS-232 with flow control
2 = RS-485 (only SSE232-1C43-LE)
3 = RS-422 (only SSE232-1C43-LE)
Configures the window of time for the COM x. The rate of values is expressed in
Configures the end character for the COM x. The value corresponds to the ASCII
value of the end character.
3.2.4 Inactivity timeout and Automatic Reset
Inactivity Timeout: Both in Client Mode and in Server Mode, the maximum time allowed for
inactivity may be configured. Once this period of time lapses, SSE232-LE will consider the
connection terminated and will close it down. This option can be disabled so the connection will
not be closed even if no flow of information is detected. It is configured through the Inactivity
Timeout parameter independently for each channel. If this value is 0, the connection will not be
shut down due to the inactivity of that channel, i.e. the option is disabled.
Automatic Reset: In Server Mode, it may be the case that the connection of a client shuts down if
this client or another one tries to connect the server channel of the SSE232-LE that has the
automatic reset option enabled. SSE232-LE will abort the previous connection, allowing the new
client to connect. If the automatic reset is not enabled for that server channel, SSE232-LE will not
allow the connection of the new client and, in this case, the server may use the option of
inactivity timeout.
If the server channel has the automatic reset option enabled, and there is a connection
established with a client and another one tries to connect to the same server, the connection with
the previous client will be closed and the connection to the server of the new client will be
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