SSE232-LE User’s Manual
SSE232-LE will ask for the password to enter to the page. Type “admin” as user name and
then the password to enter.
3. You will see the SSE232-LE configuration web page. On the left side, you will find the
menu, and on the right side, you will find the configuration page.
3.1.3 TCP Configuration Command Console.
SSE232-LE supplies a command console to allow configuration by TCP in the
port 998
. The
machine will only administer one connection in this port, thus preventing the device to be
configured in simultaneous consoles.
To enter the console establish a telnet connection to port 998. In Windows, open a window of
commands and type the following command:
telnet 998
When the connection is established, SSE232-LE will show a welcome message to the
configuration command console.
SSE232-LE - Exemys (V2.0):
SSE232-LE will ask for a “Password”:
You will then have three opportunities to enter your password. After that, the console will be
blocked for 5 seconds before allowing you to re-enter your password.
3.1.4 Serial Configuration Command Console
Locally, you can access the serial port command console by connecting SSE232-LE to a RS-232
port of a PC. To such effect, you must have a serial terminal program (Windows HyperTerminal or
the like).
The communications program must be set as follows: 9600 bps, Parity: None, Data bits: 8, Stop
bits: 1, and flow control: none (9600,N,8,1).
You can enter the configuration mode through the serial port:
Connect SSE232-LE to a PC and configure the terminal emulation program to
Turn on SSE232-LE . During the first 7 seconds SSE232-LE will wait for the
and press ENTER. The SSE232-LE will display a welcome message to the
configuration command console.
SSE232-LE - Exemys (V2.0):
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