EMV400S FHD / EMV400SSD Mobile DVR
Account Viewing:
Administrator: The Administrator account has the privilege to view all the user accounts.
Manager: The Manager account can only view its own and the Operator accounts.
Operator: The Operator account can only view its own
Camera Access:
Administrator: The Administrator account has the privilege to set up Camera Access right
to all the user accounts.
Manager: The Manager account can set up Camera Access right (cameras enabled by the
Administrator account) to itself and Operator accounts.
Operator: The Operator account can only set up its own Camera Access right.
Change Password:
Administrator: The Administrator account has the privilege to change password to all the
user accounts.
Manager: The Manager account can change password to itself and Operator accounts.
Operator: The Operator account can only change its own password.
Edit User Rights:
Administrator: The Administrator account has the privilege to edit user rights to all the
user accounts.
Manager: The Manager account can only edit user rights to Operator accounts.
Operator: The Operator account cannot edit user rights to any accounts.