EMV400S FHD / EMV400SSD Mobile DVR
Schedule Setting
You can set up the recording schedule with the desired time, event types or FPS.
Express Setup
You can set up a weekly recording schedule for the mobile DVR to automatically record videos.
Weekend Start:
Select a start date and time for the weekend.
Weekend End:
Select an end date and time for the weekend.
Daytime Starts:
Select a weekday start time (Nighttime schedule ends when Daytime begins).
Click the button to bring up the time window. Use the up and down buttons to configure a
desired time. The scale of the Hour is 1-hour; while the scale of the Minute is 30-minute.
Daytime Ends:
Select a weekday end time (Nighttime schedule ends when Daytime ends). Click
the button to bring up the time window. Use the up and down buttons to configure a desired
time. The scale of the Hour is 1-hour; while the scale of the Minute is 30-minute.
Record Type:
Select a recording type for each time period.
Disable: No recording during the scheduled time period.
Event: Continuous and Event recordings.
Event Only: Event recordings only.
Normal (FPS):
Set up the fps for continuous recording.
Event (FPS):
Set up the fps for event recording.
Check the box to enable the Buzzer, Alarm Out, E-mail and Network actions selected
6.3 Event
when an event occurs during the selected time period.
, you can set up the recording schedule in
6.7.2 Holidays
Click to save the settings.