To move the frame holder onto the U-bracket, follow the steps as set out in
Images 7-9.
Diff erent fastening methods are shown in Images 11-13.
Place the fi rst bicycle in the fi rst bicycle rail and fasten it with the short
frame holder. To do this, push the release lever, Image 10, down and pull
the tensioning strap out of the lock. Wrap the tensioning strap around the
bicycle frame at a suitable point and insert it into the lock again. Slightly
tighten the tensioning strap. Align the frame protector so that the bicycle
frame cannot rub against the tensioning strap while travelling. Tighten the
tensioning strap by moving the tension lever back and forth.
Image 7: loosen frame holder
Image 11: bicycle fastened
Image 8: open frame holder
Image 12: bicycle fastened
Image 9: fasten frame holder
Image 13: bicycle fastened
Image 10: tension and release levers
Release lever
Tension lever
For bicycles with carbon frames, make sure that you do
not pull the tensioning strap too tight, otherwise this may
damage the frame.
No electrical cables or brake cables must be trapped.
Fasten the wheels to the wheel rails with the tensioning belt (Images 14-
16). You must also secure the front wheel against twisting with a second
tensioning belt.
Image 14: tensioning belt
for rear wheel
Image 15: tensioning belts for
front wheel
Image 16: fastening the front wheel
Now secure the bicycles with the long safety strap. Wrap the safety strap
through the bicycle frames and the U-bracket (Image 17) and tighten.
The second bicycle is placed in the second rail, facing the opposite direction
and secured to the U-bracket with the long frame holder. The wheels are
secured in the same way as for the fi rst bicycle. It may be necessary to off set
the individual bicycles diff erently on the rear rack to ensure that the frame
holders may be correctly secured.