Etac / Lille Viking / www.etac.com
8. Batteries
8.1 Batteries
Lille Viking supporting motor is delivered with GEL-batteries from the factory. These are approved in accordance with International Air
Transport Association (IATA); Packing Instruction 806, Special Provision A67.
This means that the supporting motor should be treated as common cargoes during transport by plane and ship. The batteries are of the
GEL-kind and do not contain fluid electrolyte (acid). The batteries are properly fastened to the supporting motor’s chassis. Do not try to
open the batteries.
According to the international transportation rules, the batteries should be removed from electric appliances, and the batteries poles
should be isolated. This to prevent random short-circuit.
8.2 Removing and isolating batteries
1. Turn the key counter clockwise and remove the main power switch.
2. Pull out the releaser mechanism on the left side between the battery unit and the driving unit.
3. Pull the battery unit and the driving unit apart.
9. Maintenance/ Service
In order for Lille Viking to work without problems, we ask you to read the following:
9.1 Tyres
Lille Viking 2000 has puncture free tyres, but a manual wheelchair normally has air filled tyres where the air pressure should be checked
regularly. We recommend that you follow the producer’s advice and make sure that the air pressure is always in the upper recommended
limit. This makes the wheelchair easier to steer, at the same time as you will have maximal range with the supporting motor.
9.2 Brackets and fastenings
You should, at a regular basis, check that brackets, bars and fastenings on the wheelchair are okay and properly fastened.
9.3 Tightening of straps
After a while, the straps might be somewhat stretched, and this can lead to the supporting motor not being lifted high enough during
disengaging. This is only relevant to Lille Viking 2000 with straps.
The straps are easily adjusted when the supporting motor bears against the ground. Release the buckle (A) and tighten the straps about
1 cm on each side of the wheelchair. When you now tilt the disengaging pedal downward, the supporting motor will be hanging straight
underneath the chair and be lifted about 2-3 cm up from the ground.
9.4 Cables and plugs
You should check regularly that cables and plugs have not been damaged in any way.
9.5 Maintenance
Please refer to the reconditioning instructions at www.etac.com for maintenance instructions.