Etac / Lille Viking / www.etac.com
7. Charging
Before you start using Lille Viking, make sure that the batteries are charged 8-12 hours with the attached charger. (See technical specifi-
cations for more info.)
After each drive, Lille Viking should be plugged in the charger to make sure that the supporting motor is fully charged when it is to be
used next.
Do not leave the main power on when the Lille Viking supporting motor is not being used, as this will drain the battery power. Always
turn off the power and connect the supporting motor to its charger when it is not being used.
If you are not to use the supporting motor for a longer period of time, for example during the winter, the batteries should be fully
charged and then disconnected from the charger every 3-4 weeks.
7.1 Charging procedures
1. Turn off the main power switch and take out the key. Lille Viking cannot be driven when the charger is connected. Connect
pin B to the plug A on the motor unit. Then, connect power plug C on the charger to a 220 V wall outlet.
2. After charging, first unplug the power plug C from the wall outlet and then disconnect charging plug B from the motor unit. It
normally takes about 5-8 hours to charge the batteries, but if the batteries are completely “empty”, it may take up to 12 hours.
If you experience that the battery capacity is lower than before,
this may be a sign that they need to be changed.
3. Lille Viking must be connected to the charger after use, to make sure that the batteries are fully charged when you are to use the sup-
porting motor next time. The charger will automatically adjust
to how much power the batteries need. When they are fully charged they will be maintained with a constant, low power.
Therefore, leave Lille Viking connected to its charger, even then
the supporting motor is not being used.
For more info, see documentation supplied with the charger.