Etac / Lille Viking / www.etac.com
3. Technological specifications
Technological data
Lille Viking 2000+
Lille Viking 2000+ Flat
240 mm
300 mm
Width incl. Battery*
300/445 mm
300/445 mm
500 mm
500 mm
Total weight*
18/24 kg
18/24 kg
Weight, motor unit
9 kg
9 kg
Battery part*
9 / 15 kg
9/ 15 kg
Maintenance free GEL-batteries **
10/12/17 AmpH
10/12/17 AmpH
Automatic charger**
24V. / 2,5 Amp
24V. / 2,5 Amp
Charging time*
5 / 8 hours
5 / 8 hours
Max. range when fully charged*
18/ 25 km
18/ 25 km
Top speed
6 km/h
6 km/h
Test reference, weight
150 kg
150 kg
Max. safe inclination
Max. obstacle
60 mm
60 mm
Control unit
Curtis 70 A
Curtis 70 A
180 W. /24V.
180 W. /24V.
Worm gear, transmission
Dimension, puncture free tyres
2,50 - 3 (210 x 65)
2,50 - 3 (210 x 65)
Operating temperature
til + 40
til + 40
Class 1, in- and outside use
Class 1, in- and outside use
Maximum weight
What is stated in the wheelchair, although not more than
150 kg user weight
What is stated in the wheelchair, although not
more than 150 kg user weight
* All data marked with * are specifications for units with 12 Amp / 17 Amp batteries.
** The specifications may vary in different markets.
2.12 Technological safety
Lille Viking 2000 is tested and approved by TÜV Product Service
GmbH in accordance with EN 12184. Lille Viking 2000 is a CE-
brand, in accordance with the directive of medical supplies of 14th
June 1993 (93/42/EG).
Crash test:
Lille Viking 2000+ has been tested in accordance with ISO 7176-
19. The crash test has been performed at the Technical Research
Institute of Sweden.
Service life:
Lille Viking 2000 has been tested and approved by TÜV Product
Service GmbH in accordance with EN 12184.
CE marking:
The product has passed all tests and met all criteria set by Euro-
pean standards for specific product groups.
Lille Viking 2000 is patented in accordance with EP 0 592 427 B1.
2.13 Programming
The electronics for the auxiliary motor have been programmed by
Etac. Only wheelchair technicians or equivalently trained technical
personnel may make changes to the parameter settings. The auxil-
iary motor is supplied with Etac-approved parameters. Adjustment
of parameters constitutes a special adaptation and is not recom-
mended by Etac. Specially adapted products are not eligible for
CE marking and the guarantee no longer applies. Etac assumes no
responsibility for any risks resulting from any special adaptations.