Multi Service Edge Device HL950
Administrator’s Guide
EN/LZT 108 5995 R3
Page 34 (159)
June 2003
CES Application Configuration:
HL950> add ces atm:name=hl950_1, vcname=dslam, type=udt, clock=external,
jb=21, speed=8;
HL950> start ces atm:name=hl950_1;
The HL950
Branch Office
configuration (refer to
Figure 12
WIF 2x SHDSL Module Configuration:
HL950> set interface wan shdsl:ntrmode=local;
HL950> start interface wan shdsl
LIF E1 Module Configuration:
HL950> set interface line serial:cts=on, dsr=on, dcd=on, txcsrc=int,
HL950> start interface line serial
ATM VCC Configuration:
HL950> add interface atm vcc:name=dslam, type=aal1, vcc=0/40, srvtype=cbr,
pcr= 578000;
CES Application Configuration:
HL950> add ces atm:name=hl950_2, vcname=dslam, type=udt, clock=adaptive,
jb=21, speed=8;
HL950> start ces atm:name=hl950_2;
Verification tips:
To verify that the CES circuits are up on both sides, use the
show ces atm
Use the
show interface atm vcc stats
command so that the PVC is established
between the HL950 and the DSLAM.
To verify that there are no clocking slips, use the
show ces atm name=abcd
and see if the under runs or overflows are increasing. Make sure to use this command on the
Branch Office side as well.